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200 MONMOUTH ROAD, ELIZABETH, NJ 07208 + 908-351-4444
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization for Catholic men. All men of the parish are invited to join. For information please contact : Council 253 at (908) 355-2253 or Chris at (908) 351-4444.
The communal experience of Mass is continued downstairs in the church hall at Café Genevieve. Please come down after the 9:00 and 10:30 Masses to enjoy coffee, tea or juice and a bagel, roll or pastry with your family, friends, and future friends.
Children of all ages are invited to enjoy games, puzzles, coloring pages, craft projects and other activities during Café Genevieve in Karen’s Corner. These supervised activities are provided after the 10:30 Mass until noon each week. Please join us!
If any organization, family or group of friends would like to host Café Genevieve two or three times each year, please contact Dan Bernier at 908-451-1948 and he will fit you into the schedule.
The 2025 Annual Appeal is underway. We are approximately 65% of our goal! The outpouring of support from many parishioners like you helps sustain the important ministries across the Archdiocese of Newark. These programs help to make our own parish a more
vibrant place of worship.
If you have yet to give, please pick up a pledge envelope at the back of the church or visit
We are excited to announce that we are once again preparing for the annual tradition of honoring couples in our Archdiocese who will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years of Catholic marriage in the Jubilee Year 2025! This year there will be ONE anniversary liturgy for all couples. This liturgy will be celebrated by Cardinal Joseph Tobin on Sunday, June 1st at 3pm at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. All family members are welcome! The presence of these couples and their families will be a beautiful witness to the strength and stability of Christian marriage in today’s society. Please call the rectory office during business hours to register or you can e-mail anytime— with the following information: Couples first & last names, Date of Church Marriage, Address, and years celebrating. ( 50, 25 or 5) before May 10th.
Do you have a Cub Scout or Boy Scout uniform hanging in your closet that is not used anymore? Please consider donating it to the uniform exchange. Through this uniform exchange, the Scouting program at St. Gen’s helps to ease that burden for its member families. Scouts are often able to find a shirt, pants, belt,
hat, neckerchief or neckerchief slide that has been donated by a former member, or by a current member who has outgrown the uniform. Donations can be placed at any time in the American flag retirement box next to Webby’s Wood Shed, behind the church Rectory. For more details please contact Dan Bernier, Scoutmaster at (908)451-1948 or
The Elizabeth Knights of Columbus, Council 253, will hold three Friday Fish Fry’s this Lent: March 21 and April 11, all from 5:30pm to 8pm. A choice of fish or baked ziti will be offered.
Dinners are $15 and are available to eat-in or take-out.
Please call the council at (908)355-2253 with any questions or to place your orders.
The Helping Hands Group of St. Genevieve is proud to announce a Pancak Breakfast following the 10:30 Mass on May 4. Join us for a stack of homemade pancakes and other treats!
Dear Parishioners,
On this Third Sunday of Lent we journey further into this season of repentance and prayer. In the Gospel, Jesus speaks to the people about the reality of sin and its consequences. Using the parable of the fig tree, he reminds us that the day is coming when our chances to repent and change will end and we will be judged for who we are. Jesus wanted his people and us to focus entirely on internal conversion and change of heart.
During this season of Lent, we are each called to encounter this same reality: to admit our sinfulness and to beg for God’s mercy and forgiveness. Every Saturday we have the opportunity to approach our Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. How many of us take advantage of this marvelous grace freely given to us? Are we so proud that we cannot humble ourselves before God? Are we so convinced of our own perfection that we refuse to even admit the possibility that we may need to be forgiven? There is an old proverb which states that you cannot be cured unless you first admit that you are sick. In the same way, you cannot be forgiven unless you first admit that you are a sinner.
In addition to our regular Saturday 1:00 p.m. confessions, we have added an extra time on Wednesday night, April 16 at 7:00 p.m. This will be the final opportunity for confession prior to Easter.
A sincere thank you to all who have responded to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. We are still short of our goal, so I would ask all parishioners to please do something, large or small, to help us get there. Envelopes are still available in church for your convenience.
As always, during Lent, please remember all those men and women who are preparing to celebrate Sacraments at Easter, especially those in our own parish.
Fr. Armand
1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence.
On a day of Fast, only one (1) full meal is permitted, and two (2) smaller meals, which, if added together, would not exceed the main meal in quantity.
Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast.
On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence.
2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation.
3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance.
4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty*) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, March 9 to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, June 15, 2025.
* Canon 920, §1. All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least one a year.
During the season of Lent, our Jubilee Church St. Helen’s Parish in Westfield is hosting a series on the Eucharist on 5 Thursday evenings. The first four sessions will start with music and prayer, a talk from the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis followed by personal testimony and then Eucharistic Adoration with prayer and music. (Prayer, Speakers and Holy Hour) The final session is a celebration with an introduction to the “walk with one” tips on how to walk with one this Easter Season. Each session begins as 7PM .
March 27: Eucharistic Life (Church)
April 3: Eucharistic Mission (Church)
April 10: “Walk with One” Celebration (Gym)
The initial response to our summer Alaska cruise has been very strong, and our space is filling quickly. If you are looking for a wonderful vacation this year, why not join us from July 9-21, 2025 on a wonderful 11 day cruise to the awesome beauty that is our 49th state, Alaska.
Departing from Seattle, Washington, you will visit Ketchikan, Juneau, Sitka, Haines and Victoria B.C. as well as the natural wonders of Glacier Bay, Tracy Arm and Misty Fjords National Monument. It is truly an unforgettable experience and a life-changing opportunity.
Haven’t you always wanted an up close experience of humpback whales, orca, bald eagles, bears and moose? Have you ever tried freshly caught salmon and king crab? Well, now you can, and much more.
Full color brochures containing all the information and prices (air, cruise, hotel and all transfers) are available at the parish office, or simply speak to Fr. Armand for more details. Space is filling quickly, so please do not delay. I hope to hear from you!